Friday, August 10, 2012

Shri Krishna Janmashtami Mahotsav

Krishna Janmashtami (lord krishna b’day)

Lord Krishna

Janmashtami also known as Krishnashtami, Gokulashtami,Ashtami Rohini, Srikrishna Jayanti, Shree Jayanti or sometimes merely as Janmashtami, is a Hindu festival celebrating the birth of Krishna, an avatar of the god Vishnu in dvapar yug.

Krishna Janma Katha:-

Mathura was led by Kansa a wicked king. He had a sister Devaki, who was married to Vasudeva. It was predicted that Sri Krishna would be born to Devaki and would kill the wicked king Kansa. This enraged Kansa and he had all the male child of Devaki killed, after imprisoning Devaki and Vasudeva. But since the eight avatar of Lord Vishnu was bound to kill Kansa, Sri Krishna was born in midnight. All the other children born to Devaki, except Krishna were killed.

Vasudeva managed to save the child from the cruel clutches of Kamsa and he exchanged child Sri Krishna with female child of Yashoda. Krishna lived in Gokul during his infancy till the age of eleven years to hide himself from the clutches of his maternal uncle, Kamsa. Finally, Sri Krishna kills Kansa.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

How to Get Back Lost Things

खोई हुयी चीज पुनः प्राप्त करने के लिए मंत्र

In Hindi:-

गई बहोर गरीब नेवाजू | सरल सबल साहिब रघुराजू ||

In English:-

Gai Bahor Garib Nevaju | Saral Sabal Sahib Raghuraju ||

This mantra from ramcharimanas and siddha mantras. You can use this mantra when you want to get back your lost things or item. and also jaap this mantra regularly to get peaceful life.

Saturday, August 4, 2012

How To Please Lord Hanuman?

 !! श्री हनुमानजी को प्रसन्न करने के लिए  !!

In Hindi:-

सुमिरि पवनसुत पावन नामु | अपने बस करि राखे रामू ||

In English:-

Sumiri pavansut Pavan Namu | Apne Bas Kari Rakhe Ramu ||

How to Get Visitation of God

!! सहज स्वरूप दर्शन के लिए !!

              In Hindi:-

                                     भक्त बछल प्रभु कृपानिधाना | बिस्वबास प्रकटे भगवाना  ||

             In English:-
                                   Bhakata Bachhal Prabhu Kripanidhana | Bisvabas Prakate Bhagawana ||

How to cure quickly from diseases?

विविध रोगों तथा उपद्रवों की शांति के लिए

In Hindi:-

 दैहिक दैविक भौतिक तापा | राम राज नहिं काहुहि ब्यापा ||

In English:-
Daihik Daivik Bhoutik Tapa | Ram Raj Nahin Kahuhi Byapa ||

This mantra from ramcharit manas written by goswami tulsidas and this mantra is very effective to get rid from any diseases and problem are occurs in your life. you can try to jaap or siddha this mantra to make your life happiness.  

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Shri Krishna (Madhav Prayer) Vandana

!! माधव (Shri Krishna) की वंदना !!

 मूकं करोति वाचालं पंगुम लंघयते गिरिम !
 यत्कृपा तमहं वंदे परमानन्दमाधवं !!

In English:- 

Mukm Karoti Vachalam Pangum Langhayate Girim |
Yatkripa Tamaham Vande ParamanandMadhavam || 

 भावार्थ:- जिसकी कृपा गूंगे को वाचाल (बोलता) तथा लूले को पर्वत लांघने योग्य करती है, उस परम आनंदरूप माधव भगवान को में वंदन करना हूँ !
                                                                  ( जय श्रीकृष्ण )

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Guru Mantra

!! गुरु को नमस्कार !! 

In Hindi:-

 गुरुर्ब्रह्मा गुरुर्विष्णु: गुरुर्देवो महेश्वर: !
 गुरु: साक्षात्परम ब्रह्मा तस्मै श्रीगुरवे नम: !!

In English:-

Gururbrahma Gururvishnu: Gururdevo Maheshwar: |
Guru: Sakshatparam Brahma Tasmai ShriGuruve Namah: ||